dimarts, 9 de juny del 2015


The sauna Finlandesa-

To manage the sauna is heat to the body to produce perspiration, d3con therapeutic and hygienic purposes. In the Finnish sauna dry heat of around 80-100 degrees is used, while the relative humidity below 15%, which favors an abundant perspiration from the body as cooling mechanism.

The heat of the Finnish sauna is obtained by heating sandstones with no electrical resistance, which make red-hot stones come and give off the dry heat.

Benefits and cons

· On the cardiovascular system: the heat causes the heart rate aumenete and vasodilation
·Eliminates toxins: to open the pores to remove impurities from the skin sweat are removed.
· Improves breathing: breathing by making mucus more fluid pathways are cleared.
· Influence on joints: heat, increasing circulation and production of endorphins to relieve pain and joint discomfort.

-The Increase in heart rate that occurs makes is recommended in the elderly, pregnant women and people with health problems (hypertension, heart disease, varicose veins).
  If it's the first time you enter it does not exceed 10 minutes to avoid brownouts.
- They should also avoid the sauna people who suffer from severe bronchial disease, epilepsy, anorexia or renal colic.
  If it's the first time you take a sauna always do it in the company of someone experienced and do not be long in the saun

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